Autor: Václav Suchý
Chci hodnotit Blu-rayBalení: | 5,00 |
Obsah: | 5,00 |
Bonusy: | 4,50 |
Celkem: | 4,81 |
Hlavní informace o Pán prstenů: Rozšířená Trilogie (Blu-ray) | |
Originální název: | The Lord of the Rings: The Motion Picture Trilogy (anglicky) |
Počet disků: | 15 |
Datum vydání: | 27.2.2012 |
Délka filmu: | 235 min. + 263 min. + 228 min. |
Distributor: | Magicbox |
Země vydání: | Česká republika |
Bonusy: | Kolekce obsahuje speciální bonusový disk. Bonusy mohou být i na jednotlivých discích filmů. |
The Appendices - Part One: From Book to Vision (disk č.7) | |
Bonusy: | Počet: 67, Celková délka bonusů: 03:16:34 Kompletní výpis bonusů včetně video kvality a titulků >> |
The Appendices - Part One: From Vision to Reality (disk č.8) | |
Bonusy: | Počet: 20, Celková délka bonusů: 03:34:00 Kompletní výpis bonusů včetně video kvality a titulků >> |
The Fellowship of the Ring Behind the Scenes (disk č.9) | |
Bonusy: | Počet: 1, Celková délka bonusů: 01:24:52 Kompletní výpis bonusů včetně video kvality a titulků >> |
The Appendices - Part Three: The Journey Continues... (disk č.10) | |
Bonusy: | Počet: 51, Celková délka bonusů: 02:36:51 Kompletní výpis bonusů včetně video kvality a titulků >> |
The Appendices - Part Four: The Battle for Middle-Earth Begins (disk č.11) | |
Bonusy: | Počet: 22, Celková délka bonusů: 03:43:41 Kompletní výpis bonusů včetně video kvality a titulků >> |
The Two Towers Behind the Scenes (disk č.12) | |
Bonusy: | Počet: 1, Celková délka bonusů: 01:46:21 Kompletní výpis bonusů včetně video kvality a titulků >> |
The Appendices - Part Five: The War of the Ring (disk č.13) | |
Bonusy: | Počet: 69, Celková délka bonusů: 02:54:03 Kompletní výpis bonusů včetně video kvality a titulků >> |
The Appendices - Part Six: The Passing of an Age (disk č.14) | |
Bonusy: | Počet: 18, Celková délka bonusů: 04:05:03 Kompletní výpis bonusů včetně video kvality a titulků >> |
The Return of the King: Behind the Scenes (disk č.14) | |
Bonusy: | Počet: 1, Celková délka bonusů: 01:52:02 Kompletní výpis bonusů včetně video kvality a titulků >> |
![]() | | skladem | 2 499 Kč | koupit |
Photo © New Line Cinema & Magicbox.
Pán prstenů: Společenstvo Prstenu (Prodloužená verze) (Blu-ray)The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Extended version) (USA/Nový Zéland 2001)Akční filmy / Dobrodružné filmy / Fantasy filmy Režie: Peter Jackson Hrají: Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, Viggo Mortensen |
Datum vydání: Distributor: |
Pán prstenů: Dvě věže (Prodloužená verze) (Blu-ray)The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Extended Edition) (USA/Nový Zéland 2001)Akční filmy / Dobrodružné filmy / Fantasy filmy Režie: Peter Jackson Hrají: Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, Viggo Mortensen |
Datum vydání: Distributor: |
Pán prstenů: Návrat krále (Prodloužená verze) (Blu-ray)The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Extended Edition) (USA/Nový Zéland 2001)Akční filmy / Dobrodružné filmy / Fantasy filmy Režie: Peter Jackson Hrají: Elijah Wood, Billy Boyd, Dominic Monaghan |
Datum vydání: Distributor: |
The Appendices - Part One: From Book to Vision (DVD disk č. 7) | |||||
# | Název | Délka | Videokvalita | Audio | Titulky |
1. | Introduction | 00:01:17 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, slovinské, srbské |
2. | J.R.R. Tolkien - Creator of Middle - Earth | 00:22:27 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, slovinské, srbské |
3. | From Book to Script | 00:20:03 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, slovinské, srbské |
4. | Storyboards and Pre-Viz: Making Words Into Images (Visualizing the Story) | 00:13:29 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, slovinské, srbské |
5. | "The Prologue" (Visualizing the Story/Early Storyboards) | 00:07:36 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
6. | "Orc Pursuit Into Lorhlórien" (Visualizing the Story/Early Storyboards) | 00:01:32 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
7. | "Sarn Gebir Rapids Chase" (Visualizing the Story/Early Storyboards) | 00:01:42 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
8. | "Gandalf Rides to Orthanc" (Visualizing the Story/Pre-Viz Animatics) | 00:01:07 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
9. | "Gandalf Stairs of Khazad-Dum" (Visualizing the Story/Pre-Viz Animatics) | 00:02:19 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
10. | Split Screen Comparsion (Visualizing the Story/Animatic to Film Comparisons/Storyboard to Film Comparison: "Nazgul Attack at Bree") | 00:01:45 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
11. | Storyboard Only (Visualizing the Story/Animatic to Film Comparisons/Storyboard to Film Comparison: "Nazgul Attack at Bree") | 00:01:45 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, slovinské, srbské |
12. | Film Only (Visualizing the Story/Animatic to Film Comparisons/Storyboard to Film Comparison: "Nazgul Attack at Bree") | 00:01:45 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
13. | Split Screen Comparison (Visualizing the Story/Animatic to Film Comparisons/Pre-Viz to Film Comparison: "The Bridge of Khazad-Dum") | 00:02:32 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
14. | Pre-Viz Only (Visualizing the Story/Animatic to Film Comparisons/Pre-Viz to Film Comparison: "The Bridge of Khazad-Dum") | 00:02:32 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
15. | Film Only (Visualizing the Story/Animatic to Film Comparisons/Pre-Viz to Film Comparison: "The Bridge of Khazad-Dum") | 00:02:32 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
16. | Bag End Set Test (Visualizing the Story) | 00:06:33 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
17. | Designing Middle-Earth (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth) | 00:41:12 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, slovinské, srbské |
18. | Weta Workshop (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth) | 00:43:03 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, slovinské, srbské |
19. | Costume Design (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth) | 00:11:32 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, slovinské, srbské |
20. | Sauron (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Enemy) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
21. | The Ringwraiths (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Enemy) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
22. | Orcs (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Enemy) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
23. | Moria Orcs (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Enemy) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
24. | The Watcher (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Enemy) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
25. | The Cave Troll (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Enemy) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
26. | The Balrog (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Enemy)s | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
27. | Elendil (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Last Alliance) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
28. | Gil-Galad (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Last Alliance) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
29. | Isildur (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Last Alliance) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
30. | Numenoreans (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Last Alliance) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
31. | Gil-Galad's Army (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Last Alliance) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
32. | Saruman the White (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/Isengard) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
33. | The Fighting Uruk-hai (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/Isengard) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
34. | Bilbo Baggins (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
35. | Gandalf the Grey (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Fellowship) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
36. | Frodo (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Fellowship) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
37. | Sam (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Fellowship) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
38. | Merry (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Fellowship) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
39. | Pippin (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Fellowship) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
40. | Aragorn (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Fellowship) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
41. | Legolas (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Fellowship) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
42. | Gimli (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Fellowship) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
43. | Boromir (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Fellowship) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
44. | Elrond (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/Rivendell) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
45. | Arwen (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/Rivendell) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
46. | Galadriel (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/Lothlorien) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
47. | Celeborn (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/Lothlorien) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
48. | The Second Age (Prologue) (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Realms of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
49. | The Shire (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Realms of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
50. | Bag End (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Realms of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
51. | Bree (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Realms of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
52. | Isengard (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Realms of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
53. | Weathertop (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Realms of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
54. | Trollshaw (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Realms of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
55. | Rivendell (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Realms of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
56. | Moria (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Realms of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
57. | Lothlorien (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Realms of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
58. | The Silverlode & The Anduin (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Realms of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
59. | Amon Hen (Dressing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Realms of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
60. | Middle Earth Atlas | 00:00:00 | Application | anglicky | - |
61. | Hobbiton (New Zeland as Middle-Earth) | 00:01:12 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
62. | Weathertop (New Zeland as Middle-Earth) | 00:01:21 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
63. | Ford of Bruinen (New Zeland as Middle-Earth) | 00:01:24 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
64. | Rivendell (New Zeland as Middle-Earth) | 00:00:58 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
65. | Lothlórien (New Zeland as Middle-Earth) | 00:01:25 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
66. | Riven Anduin (New Zeland as Middle-Earth) | 00:01:31 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
67. | Amon hen (New Zeland as Middle-Earth) | 00:02:00 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
Celkem: Počet: 67, Celková délka bonusů: 03:16:34 | |||||
Zobrazit všechny bonusy >><< Skrýt bonusy |
The Appendices - Part One: From Vision to Reality (DVD disk č. 8) | |||||
# | Název | Délka | Videokvalita | Audio | Titulky |
1. | Introduction | 00:00:30 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, slovinské, srbské |
2. | The Fellowship of the Cast (Filming "The Fellowship of the Ring") | 00:34:42 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, slovinské, srbské |
3. | A Day in the Life of a Hobbit (Filming "The Fellowship of the Ring") | 00:13:11 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, slovinské, srbské |
4. | Cameras In Middle-Earth (Filming "The Fellowship of the Ring") | 00:49:43 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, slovinské, srbské |
5. | Production Photos (Filming "The Fellowship of the Ring") | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
6. | Scale (Visual Effects) | 00:15:37 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, slovinské, srbské |
7. | Big-Atures (Visual Effects/Miniatures) | 00:16:20 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, slovinské, srbské |
8. | Orthanc (Visual Effects/Miniatures/Galleries) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
9. | Rivendell (Visual Effects/Miniatures/Galleries) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
10. | Moria (Visual Effects/Miniatures/Galleries) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
11. | Lothlórien (Visual Effects/Miniatures/Galleries) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
12. | Hobbiton Factories (Visual Effects/Miniatures/Galleries) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
13. | The Argonath (Visual Effects/Miniatures/Galleries) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
14. | Weta Digital (Visual Effects) | 00:24:54 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, slovinské, srbské |
15. | Editorial: Assembling An Epic (Post Production: Putting It All Together) | 00:12:46 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, slovinské, srbské |
16. | (Post Production: Putting It All Together/ Editorial Demonstration: "The Council of Elrond") | 00:01:30 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
17. | Digital Grading | 00:12:12 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, slovinské, srbské |
18. | The Soundscapes of Middle-Earth (Sound and Music) | 00:12:40 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, slovinské, srbské |
19. | Music for Middle-Earth (Sound and Music) | 00:12:31 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, slovinské, srbské |
20. | The Road Goes Ever On... | 00:07:24 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, slovinské, srbské |
Celkem: Počet: 20, Celková délka bonusů: 03:34:00 | |||||
Zobrazit všechny bonusy >><< Skrýt bonusy |
The Fellowship of the Ring Behind the Scenes (DVD disk č. 9) | |||||
# | Název | Délka | Videokvalita | Audio | Titulky |
1. | Behind the Scenes | 01:24:52 | SD 576i | anglicky | anglické, bulharské, české, estonské, chorvatské, lotyšské, maďarské, polské, slovinské, srbské |
Celkem: Počet: 1, Celková délka bonusů: 01:24:52 |
The Appendices - Part Three: The Journey Continues... (DVD disk č. 10) | |||||
# | Název | Délka | Videokvalita | Audio | Titulky |
1. | Introduction | 00:01:48 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
2. | J.R. Tolkien: Origins Of Middle-Earth | 00:29:28 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
3. | From Book To Script: Finding the Story | 00:20:57 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
4. | Designing Middle-Earth (Designing and Building Middle-Earth) | 00:45:44 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
5. | Uruk-hai (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Enemy) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
6. | Easterlings (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Enemy) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
7. | Wargs and Riders (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Enemy) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
8. | Grishnákh (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Enemy) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
9. | Haradrim (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Enemy) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
10. | Wild Men (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Enemy) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
11. | Fell Beasts (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Enemy) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
12. | Mumakil (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Enemy) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
13. | Gandalf the White (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Peoples of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
14. | King Théoden (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Peoples of Middle-Earth/Rohan) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
15. | Éomer (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Peoples of Middle-Earth/Rohan) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
16. | Éowyn (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Peoples of Middle-Earth/Rohan) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
17. | Théodred (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Peoples of Middle-Earth/Rohan) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
18. | King's Royal Guard (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Peoples of Middle-Earth/Rohan) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
19. | Riders of Rohan (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Peoples of Middle-Earth/Rohan) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
20. | Grima (Wormtongue) (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Peoples of Middle-Earth/Rohan) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
21. | Third Age Elven Warriors (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Peoples of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
22. | Treebeard (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Peoples of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
23. | Ents (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Peoples of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
24. | Faramir (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Peoples of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
25. | Ithilien Rangers (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Peoples of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
26. | Emyn Muil (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/The Realms of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
27. | Dead Marshes (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/The Realms of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
28. | Edoras (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/The Realms of Middle-Earth/Rohan) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
29. | Meduseld: The Golden Hall (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/The Realms of Middle-Earth/Rohan) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
30. | Théodred's Bedroom (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/The Realms of Middle-Earth/Rohan) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
31. | Stables (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/The Realms of Middle-Earth/Rohan) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
32. | Plains of Rohan (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/The Realms of Middle-Earth/Rohan) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
33. | Helm's Deep (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/The Realms of Middle-Earth/Rohan) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
34. | Fangorn Forest (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/The Realms of Middle-Earth | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
35. | Itchilien (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/The Realms of Middle-Earth | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
36. | Henneth Annun (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/The Realms of Middle-Earth | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
37. | Osgiliath (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/The Realms of Middle-Earth | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
38. | Isengard (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/The Realms of Middle-Earth | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
39. | Weta Workshop (Designing and Building Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
40. | The Taming of Sméagol (Gollum) | 00:39:33 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
41. | Andy Serkis Animation Reference (Gollum) | 00:01:45 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
42. | Gollum's "Stand In" (Gollum) | 00:03:18 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
43. | Design Gallery (Gollum) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | anglicky | - |
44. | Middle-Earth Atlas | 00:00:00 | Application | anglicky | anglické |
45. | Emyn Muil (New Zeland as Middle-Earth) | 00:01:59 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
46. | The Dead Marshes (New Zeland as Middle-Earth) | 00:01:43 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
47. | Rohan (New Zeland as Middle-Earth) | 00:03:01 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
48. | Edoras (New Zeland as Middle-Earth) | 00:01:45 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
49. | Ithilien (New Zeland as Middle-Earth) | 00:02:07 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
50. | Fangorn Forest (New Zeland as Middle-Earth) | 00:01:31 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
51. | Helm's Deep (New Zeland as Middle-Earth) | 00:02:12 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
Celkem: Počet: 51, Celková délka bonusů: 02:36:51 | |||||
Zobrazit všechny bonusy >><< Skrýt bonusy |
The Appendices - Part Four: The Battle for Middle-Earth Begins (DVD disk č. 11) | |||||
# | Název | Délka | Videokvalita | Audio | Titulky |
1. | Introduction | 00:01:07 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
2. | Warriors of the Third Age (Filming "The Two Towers") | 00:20:58 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
3. | Cameras in Middle-Earth (Filming "The Two Towers") | 01:08:14 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
4. | Production Photos (Filming "The Two Towers") | 00:00:00 | Gallery | anglicky | - |
5. | Big-atures (Visual Effects/Miniatures) | 00:21:51 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
6. | Original Animatic (Visual Effects/Miniatures/The Flooding of Isengard Animatic) | 00:02:31 | SD 576i | - | - |
7. | Split Screen Comparison (Visual Effects/Miniatures/The Flooding of Isengard Animatic) | 00:02:03 | SD 576i | - | - |
8. | Barad-dur (Visual Effects/Miniatures/Galleries) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
9. | Fangorn Forest (Visual Effects/Miniatures/Galleries) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
10. | Helm's Deep (Visual Effects/Miniatures/Galleries) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
11. | Ruined Isengard (Visual Effects/Miniatures/Galleries) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
12. | Osgiliath (Visual Effects/Miniatures/Galleries) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
13. | The Black Gate (Visual Effects/Miniatures/Galleries) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
14. | Zirakzigil (Visual Effects/Miniatures/Galleries) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
15. | Weta Digital (Visual Effects/Weta Digital) | 00:27:32 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
16. | Slime Balrog (Visual Effects/Abandoned Concepts) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
17. | Endless Stair (Visual Effects/Abandoned Concepts) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
18. | Editorial: Refining the Story | 00:21:59 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
19. | Music for Middle-Earth (Music and Sound) | 00:25:22 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
20. | The Soundscapes of Middle-Earth (Music and Sound) | 00:21:28 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
21. | Sound Demostration: "Helm's Deep" (Music and Sound) | 00:01:08 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
22. | "The Battle for Helm's Deep Is Over...." | 00:09:28 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
Celkem: Počet: 22, Celková délka bonusů: 03:43:41 | |||||
Zobrazit všechny bonusy >><< Skrýt bonusy |
The Two Towers Behind the Scenes (DVD disk č. 12) | |||||
# | Název | Délka | Videokvalita | Audio | Titulky |
1. | Behind the Scenes | 01:46:21 | SD 576i | anglicky | anglické, bulharské, estonské, chorvatské, lotyšské, maďarské, polské, slovinské, srbské |
Celkem: Počet: 1, Celková délka bonusů: 01:46:21 |
The Appendices - Part Five: The War of the Ring (DVD disk č. 13) | |||||
# | Název | Délka | Videokvalita | Audio | Titulky |
1. | Introduction | 00:01:29 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
2. | J.R.R. Tolkien: The Legacy of Middle-Earth | 00:28:16 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
3. | From Book to Script: Forging the Final Chapter (From Book to Script) | 00:24:02 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
4. | Abandoned Concept: "Aragorn Battles Sauron" (From Book to Script) | 00:05:04 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
5. | Designing Middle-Earth (Designing and Building Middle-Earth) | 00:38:20 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
6. | Big-Atures (Designing and Building Middle-Earth) | 00:19:11 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
7. | Weta Workshop (Designing and Building Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
8. | Costume Design (Designing and Building Middle-Earth) | 00:12:03 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
9. | The Witch King (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Enemy) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
10. | Fell Beast (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Enemy) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
11. | Mont of Sauron (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Enemy) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
12. | Orcs (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Enemy) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
13. | Trolls (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Enemy) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
14. | Haradrim (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Enemy) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
15. | Mumakil (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Enemy) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
16. | Great Beasts (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Enemy) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
17. | Shelob (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Enemy) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
18. | Corsairs (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Enemy) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
19. | Aragorn (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Fellowship) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
20. | Frodo (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Fellowship) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
21. | Sam (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Fellowship) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
22. | Merry (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Fellowship) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
23. | Pippin (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Fellowship) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
24. | Legolas (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Fellowship) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
25. | Gimli (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/The Fellowship) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
26. | Faramir (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/Gondor) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
27. | Denethor (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/Gondor) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
28. | Gondorian Army (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/Gondor) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
29. | Fountain Guard (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth/Gondor) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
30. | Sméagol (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
31. | Déagol (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
32. | Éowyn (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
33. | Éomer (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
34. | Arwen (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
35. | Bilbo Baggins (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
36. | The Army of the Dead (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Peoples of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
37. | Sméagol's Story (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Realms of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
38. | East Ithilien (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Realms of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
39. | Minas Tirith (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Realms of Middle-Earth/Gondor) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
40. | The Citadel (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Realms of Middle-Earth/Gondor) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
41. | The Hallows (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Realms of Middle-Earth/Gondor) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
42. | The Siege of Gondor (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Realms of Middle-Earth/Gondor) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
43. | Rivendell (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Realms of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
44. | Dunharrow (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Realms of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
45. | Paths of the Dead (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Realms of Middle-Earth) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
46. | Minas Morgul (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Realms of Middle-Earth/Mordor) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
47. | Shelob's Lair (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Realms of Middle-Earth/Mordor) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
48. | Cirith Ungol (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Realms of Middle-Earth/Mordor) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
49. | Orc Camp (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Realms of Middle-Earth/Mordor) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
50. | Mt. Doom (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Realms of Middle-Earth/Mordor) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
51. | Sammath Naur-Crack of Doom (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/The Realms of Middle-Earth/Mordor) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
52. | Minas Tirith (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Miniatures/Gondor) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
53. | The Hallows (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Miniatures/Gondor) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
54. | Docks of Harlond (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Miniatures/Gondor) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
55. | Corsair Ship (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Miniatures/Gondor) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
56. | Grond (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Miniatures/Gondor) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
57. | Siege Towers (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Miniatures/Gondor) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
58. | Minas Morgul (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Miniatures/Gondor) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
59. | Cirith Ungol (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Miniatures/Gondor) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
60. | Paths of the Dead (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Miniatures/Gondor) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
61. | The Grey Havens (Designing and Building Middle-Earth/Design Galleries/Miniatures/Gondor) | 00:00:00 | Gallery | - | - |
62. | Home of the Horse Lords | 00:30:16 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
63. | Middle-Earth Atlas | 00:00:00 | Application | anglicky | anglické |
64. | East Ithilien (New Zeland as Middle-Earth) | 00:02:50 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
65. | Dunharrow (New Zeland as Middle-Earth) | 00:02:04 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
66. | Paths of the Dead (New Zeland as Middle-Earth) | 00:02:08 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
67. | The Pelenndor Fields (New Zeland as Middle-Earth) | 00:02:50 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
68. | The Black Gate (New Zeland as Middle-Earth) | 00:02:17 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
69. | Mordor (New Zeland as Middle-Earth) | 00:03:13 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
Celkem: Počet: 69, Celková délka bonusů: 02:54:03 | |||||
Zobrazit všechny bonusy >><< Skrýt bonusy |
The Appendices - Part Six: The Passing of an Age (DVD disk č. 14) | |||||
# | Název | Délka | Videokvalita | Audio | Titulky |
1. | Introduction | 00:01:36 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
2. | Cameras in Middle Earht (Filming "The Return of the King") | 01:13:13 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
3. | Production Photos (Filming "The Return of the King") | 00:00:00 | Gallery | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
4. | Weta Digital (Visual Effects) | 00:40:21 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
5. | Pre-viz (Visual Effects/Demonstration: "The Mumakil Battle") | 00:00:30 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
6. | Environment (Visual Effects/Demonstration: "The Mumakil Battle") | 00:00:30 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
7. | Live Action (Visual Effects/Demonstration: "The Mumakil Battle") | 00:00:30 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
8. | Animation (Visual Effects/Demonstration: "The Mumakil Battle") | 00:00:30 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
9. | Massive (Visual Effects/Demonstration: "The Mumakil Battle") | 00:00:30 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
10. | Rough Composite (Visual Effects/Demonstration: "The Mumakil Battle") | 00:00:30 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
11. | Final Film (Visual Effects/Demonstration: "The Mumakil Battle") | 00:00:30 | SD 576i | anglicky | - |
12. | Editorial: Completing the Trilogy (Post Production: Journey's End) | 00:21:22 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
13. | Music for Middle-Earth (Post Production: Journey's End) | 00:22:03 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
14. | The Soundscapes of Middle-Earth (Post Production: Journey's End) | 00:22:13 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
15. | The End of All Things (Post Production: Journey's End) | 00:20:37 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
16. | The Passing of an Age | 00:24:11 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
17. | "DFK6498" (Cameron Duncan: The Inspiration for "Into the West") | 00:04:39 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
18. | "Strike Zone" (Cameron Duncan: The Inspiration for "Into the West") | 00:11:18 | SD 576i | anglicky | bulharské, české, chorvatské, maďarské, polské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, srbské |
Celkem: Počet: 18, Celková délka bonusů: 04:05:03 | |||||
Zobrazit všechny bonusy >><< Skrýt bonusy |
The Return of the King: Behind the Scenes (DVD disk č. 14) | |||||
# | Název | Délka | Videokvalita | Audio | Titulky |
1. | Behind the Scenes | 01:52:02 | SD 576i | anglicky | anglické, bulharské, české, estonské, chorvatské, lotyšské, maďarské, polské, slovinské, srbské |
Celkem: Počet: 1, Celková délka bonusů: 01:52:02 |
Film Pán prstenů: Rozšířená Trilogie (Blu-ray) je v prodeji od 27.2.2012 za doporučenou cenu: 2 999 Kč vč. DPH.
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Partner: 3D filmy | Blu-ray filmy | DVD
V databázi je celkem 1.871 filmů a 2.267 Blu-ray edic. | Copyright © 2014 | Vytvořil: tvorba webových stránek |
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